To say that the progress of science goes through paradigm shifts is an understatement. The science of human healthcare and medicine is no exception. Just like new knowledge is most often opposed in the beginning of its birth, the emerging modern natural medicine knowledge is also undergoing the similar experience of being ignored, ridiculed and opposed by the prevailing mainstream dominant knowledge of healthcare and medicine.
This treatise is an effort to lay the groundwork for the age-old knowledge and wisdom that the food we consume is medicinal in value, and the medicine we consume is the food for a healthy body. This concept is not new, and has existed since the dawn of time, even being enshrined in the religious scriptures of both the old and new worlds. Such knowledge can be found in the various scriptures of religion and wisdom, such as the Thirukkural, the Bible and the Holy Quran. However, the most profound wisdom was found in the Baha’i scriptures is written very clearly and prophetically, where it elaborates the relationship of the body’s biochemical balance and disease.
In recent times, this adage of ‘Food is Medicine and Medicine is Food’, has also found a scientific standing. Since the 17th century, various foods have regularly been identified and used for the treatment of various diseases such as scurvy, beriberi and goiter. Each of these diseases and afflictions, fatal in most cases, could be overcome through the simple uses of foods such as oranges, rice and iodized salt. These cures were not just established as an old wife’s tale, but were scientifically studied, analysed and formed the backbone of modern medicine. The same studies also revealed a very important fact; that organic medicinal compounds in foods performed fairly different from their synthetic counterparts, even when mixed together. Thus, this further cements the importance of organic and original sources of these medicinal compounds, which are our food.
The component of these foods that gives them the medicinal properties are known as micro-active nutrient formulas. Our research is in this new direction, with the end-goal being wholesome highly active micro-nutrients as a source of safe, effective and affordable healing remedies. We have a good level of proven success in our innovative effort, where the new science and remedies have been developed and found effective are well documented. The most interesting point is that the raw materials are from nature, the method to produce and manufacture is simple, the method used to study its efficacy and potency is simple, hardly any side effects and the cost is affordable. This constitutes a major breakthrough in the ongoing progress of health and medical sciences.
However, people often wondered the reason the dominant mainstream allopathic biomedical world is not showing the required and needed interest in this field when there are enough basic studies and documentation in this new natural medicine field. There are a few reasons for this resistance, namely, the erroneous belief that allopathic biomedicine has the best knowledge and experience and is widely acclaimed as evidence-based while natural medicine lacks evidence and thus, its curative efficacy and potency. The other reason is that it has become so widespread as an authoritative system that there exists an ego factor which is a stumbling block for the new science of natural medicine to be recognised and accepted.
The micro-active nutrient composite developed by AK Natural Healthcare Center is known as Bio-spektra and has a large amount of bio-active nutrients that was developed using traditional knowledge on natural therapies, combined with cutting-edge modern knowledge and techniques in medicine. Bio-spektra contains millions of active bio-chemicals, trace element, mineral, enzymic, natural vitamin, antioxidant and hormonal trace elements that are designed to work together to optimise their output to the human body.
Many case studies that we conducted over the last 10 years have proven that the use of this natural bio-active nutrients has helped not only heal but prevent further or new ailments in the patients. ‘Food is Medicine and Medicine is Food’ must become a well-established science for health and healing and we will create a world that is safer and nature friendly.